Product Specialist Enquiry

Use this form to send information to the LabGear Sales team so that the right Product Specialist can get in touch with you.



Your interest is in the LabGear product range for ...
Job Title
Business Location
If your business location is not listed above, please enter it manually here.
Please include a country code (e.g. +61 for Australia)
Please provide any additional requirements, models of interest or further questions.
Marketing Emails
By checking this next checkbox, I am stating that I agree to Paragon Care Group Australia Pty Ltd using my email address for the purpose of sending educational and promotional material regarding LabGear Australia products and services.

Privacy Information
Paragon Care Group Australia Pty Ltd recognises the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers, shareholders, employees and other related parties when handing your personal information.
1 + 0 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. eg. for 1+3, enter 4.